Our first half of our trip

Our Second half of the trip

Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Brunswick!

Van Canada

Hi there all, trouwe volgelingen :)
Even een korte boodschap -> LIFTEN IS GAAF!!! Je ontmoet zoveel leuke aardige te gekke mensen (ja ok bias de onaardige rijden aan je voorbij) en Canadezen nemen je best snel mee.
Vrij snel van St Ann des Monts door het park heen in New Brunswick aangekomen: eigenlijk wilden we naar Mount Carleton Park maar mede door een uur tijdsverschil met Quebec waren er niet zoveel auto's meer om onze duim naar op te steken en besloten we naar het Sugarloaf park te gaan. Daar voor het eerst de gasbrander uitgeprobeerd, Bjarni was helemaal blij; 'en straks mag ik ook nog koffie zetten!!!'

Van Canada

Ook ontzettend veel 'wildlife rondom de tent; eekhoorns, hazen en vogels die ik nog nooit eerder heb gezien. Allemaal niet echt bang van mensen.
De volgende dag rustig aan gedaan naar Carleton park, waar geen stroom, geen drinkwater en geen mogelijkheid tot betalen met kaartvormige dingen bleek, dus na 2 nachten (1 dag in meertje gezwommen, de volgende ochtend weggeregend)
Van Canada

Zitten we nu enkele hele aardige vrachtwagenchauffeurs verder in een tof hostel in een stad die van alles promoot deze week: gratis theater, musea, film en korting bij vanalles. Dus blijven hier nog eventjes :)
Tot onze volgende post!!!

Ok so continueing with the 'short' english summary adition for our English speaking readers:)
We have found ourselves these past few days in a lovely province called New Brunswick Nuveau. Which is very nice for me (Bjarni) since a lot of people started talking English to me in stead of French.
The first night we got there we were delivered via starcraft. It was a modified A-team type of van which was driven by J&J (Julie and James). It was from their native friend, since they were themselves hitchhikers. the van had a realy nice quality design if you are into the kind of design they usually use in R-Rated movies. James called it lovingly a 'Love van'.
We were dropped of just next to Sugar Loaf provincial park. Which is a 5 minute walk from the Highway ramp near Cambelton.
We didn't realise that we just crossed into a new time zone, so at 8 or actually it was 9 we sort of stopped hitch hiking, because usually the bad kind of hitchhikers only come out at night...
We had a nice time in sugar loaf, it was the first time for me to start a fire on our brand new Mountain Rescue Service Featherlite International Fire Burner. Wow that's like MSRFIFB! Hmm okay so the next day we woke up and decided it was time for some more sleeping.
At 3 o Clock we finally were packed up and ready to go to our next destination, which was the Mount Carleton provincial park. We were picked up by a lovely mother who was just going a little bit further, which was fine since a little bit further can mean 3 minutes or an hour (but more about that later on). Then we were picked up by this dude who was nicknamed by his friends as Duma. He was friendly enough to share his beer with us and in broken english tried to ask us if it was ok for him to drink and drive. Ofcourse drinking and driving is a dangerous situation, but since the beer was shared and cold and only a small 4 % alcohol percentage it was allright. It's your car anyway so ... But my french wasn't good enough for him to understand this. we were dropped of next to Saint Quinten, which reminded my of the prison in which the country singer forgot his name, recorded a song.
We were picked up by a very friendly mother who just did her shopping. She brought us up the hill where we got this view from.

Van Canada

The Next person was Serge. He was on the road 300 days a year! he is into building houses (sorry that's industrial Buildings Check this out!)

which an cost up to 8 milion dollars which to me is a large sum of money for a house. But then again we are hitchhiking. He was very friendly drove us right up to the gates (which were 40 minutes of his route) and gave me a new sun glasses since i broke the ones that Rinske gave me :( :)
the park itself is very nice except for the fact that there is no drinking water and they work only on cash, and we only had about 30 dollars on us at the time. We got a ride to the campsite from Vincent the security guy and also from our next door neighbours to the actual camp site.
We spend the evening with a lovely couple called Rose and Peter. We tried to make a fire just as nice as the other campers had, but unfortunately the elixer (some type of fuel) only worked for a couple of minutes and then we were cold again. They offered us a ride to the nearest village (which was one hour and a half away!?)
We liked the swimming area and the weather we had was great up until we had to pack because at this time it was raining. To me rain isn't a good motivator, but Rinske was as happy as she can be and this was uplifting for me.
The next day we had our ride from R&P and they brought us up to Plaster Rock. Only during this drive we get to understand that we had found 'the middle of nowhere' in NB (New Brunswick). the long drive also offered a nice view on some deer! and a squirel and this was more wild life than we saw in the both parks combined :).
from Plaster Rock we were picked up by the nicest truckdriver we knew up until then. He gave us a ride and talked about the scenery. Explaining that it was a lot of agricultural lands, he even took the scenic route which was very nice. We stopped at the truck stop to eat at the restaurant. we had a nice meal and when i offered to pay for the meal Malcolm wouldn't have it. He brought us into contact with JC or Jean Claude (no not the muscles from Brussels but the nice guy from Gent). He was driving a large truck and he liked to talk some dutch agan and show us his pictures. It's very nice to see a guy, who is on his own pretty much all the time, being so content with the world. He had everything he wanted right there in his truck. We rode with him although it was illegal, but well you know how it goes.
A nice view from up in the truck.

Van Canada

All the way to the drop off he tried to get us another lift but that was ok, since we got a lift in about 20 minutes waiting time. The Tunesian couple drove us right up to the Hostel, which seemed a bit run down, but in the end was really great! we got a cheap price for a two persons bed room. 40 dollars which is 30 euro so that's 15 per person:)
A lot of things seem to be cheap and for free this week and the Indian manager took us (him being fairly drunk) to a nice place where they showed new bands. it was kind of funny getting in, because the doorman told us we had to pay, but when i looked at the maneger he said no, so the door man said well you have to pay and in the end we just walked on and didn't pay. He must be new said the manager :). We drank some local beer and had a nice time. there was also Shane from the youth hostel in Halifax. He told us to deffinitly go to the New Foundland island since people will be very nice. It's only 16 hour by ferry (or 6) so if we have the time. Man distances are something else. If going to the dutch islands it'll be 1.5 hours max :) well hope you enjoy reading this and leave a comment.
Bjarni and Rinske

1 comment:

  1. lieve schatten,
    Het is leuk om jullie blogje te lezen. Als thuisblijver wordt het iets makkelijker om jullie te volgen. Maar het heeft ook iets van een krantenstrip. Ik wordt er nieuwsgierig van.Hoe zou her R&B nu vergaan. Het blogje komt in het systeem van effe checken. Mali, werkmail, blogje.
    Het blogje, als het er is, maakt de dag goed. "Lyyys er is weer een blogje"Ója ik kom eraan".
    Ik werk nog 3 dagen en dan gaan we weg
    Liefs en groeten
